Welcome to The Progress Report 2.0 - a repository of tools and data for anyone interested in New Zealand politics.

The first version of The Progress Report was a blog I ran up until 2014, with excellent contributions from James Caygill, Keir Leslie and other guest posters. If you're interested in any of that content, it has been archived by the National Library.

Following the closure of The Progress Report I built a new site, polled.co.nz to host some of the caucus calculators and other tools I had been working on.

This version of The Progress Report has been rebuilt from the ground up and should hopefully be far more flexible and robust. If you find any bugs or issues, or have any ideas for new data or features, please get in touch.

Latest Updates

New feature - Electorate Boundaries

I've updated my booth results maps so you can now see the boundaries for each electorate - meaning it's now much easier to get a better feel for the electorate and in particular which booths are inside and outside of the boundary.

Check them out by visiting any of the electorates on the 2023 Results page.

Posted on September 07, 2024

New Roy Morgan Research poll uploaded

A new poll from Roy Morgan Research has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 26.5%
  • National: 36%
  • Green: 13%
  • NZ First: 7.5%
  • ACT: 9.5%
  • TOP: 2.5%
  • Te Pāti Māori: 3.5%

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on September 03, 2024

New Gallup poll uploaded

A new poll from Gallup from November 1960, just days before the 1960 election, has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 43%
  • National: 46%
  • Social Credit: 9%

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on August 26, 2024

New Gallup poll uploaded

A new poll from Gallup from October 1960 has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 43%
  • National: 49%
  • Social Credit: 6%

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on August 26, 2024

New Gallup poll uploaded

A new poll from Gallup from September 1960 has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 44%
  • National: 47%
  • Social Credit: 6%

This is the earliest political poll in NZ that I've been able to find.

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on August 26, 2024