Welcome to The Progress Report 2.0 - a repository of tools and data for anyone interested in New Zealand politics.

The first version of The Progress Report was a blog I ran up until 2014, with excellent contributions from James Caygill, Keir Leslie and other guest posters. If you're interested in any of that content, it has been archived by the National Library.

Following the closure of The Progress Report I built a new site, polled.co.nz to host some of the caucus calculators and other tools I had been working on.

This version of The Progress Report has been rebuilt from the ground up and should hopefully be far more flexible and robust. If you find any bugs or issues, or have any ideas for new data or features, please get in touch.

Latest Updates

New National Research Bureau poll uploaded

A new poll from National Research Bureau from February 1982 has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 39%
  • National: 40%
  • Social Credit: 20%

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on June 25, 2024

New National Research Bureau poll uploaded

A new poll from National Research Bureau from December 1980 has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Labour: 30%
  • National: 38%
  • Social Credit: 31%
  • Values Party: 1%

You can see all our polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on June 25, 2024

New National Research Bureau preferred PM poll uploaded.

A new preferred prime minister poll from National Research Bureau from November 1982 has been uploaded. The details are:

  • Muldoon: 30%
  • Lange: 6%
  • Beetham: 13%
  • Rowling: 12%
  • Minogue: 2%

You can see all our preferred PM polling data, including this poll, here.

Posted on June 25, 2024

Bug fix for polling graphs

I've just deployed a fix to a bug on both the Historical Polling Data and Historical Preferred Prime Minister Polling Data pages.

The graphs on both pages were not rendering correctly due to a library integration problem, causing data points to be spaced evenly rather than proportionally to their dates.

This issue has now been resolved, and the graph should accurately reflect the polling data over time.

If you spot any other issues, please get in contact!

Posted on June 15, 2024

Historic Election Coverage added

I've launched a new page featuring historic NZ election night coverage and leaders debates, with content dating back to 1984. Ideal for political history buffs - or in need of a new cure for insomnia.

If anyone has links to anything I've missed or you think would be worth including, please send it through!

Posted on June 15, 2024